by Mitzi Bodie | Jun 26, 2018 | Coaching, Missionaries, Missions, Training
I go through peaks and valleys with my workout routine. The biggest thing that helps me stay committed and have fun along the way is having a workout partner, it is almost a guarentee to double my success. A workout partner helps motivate me when I am in a rut.... by admin | Dec 29, 2017 | Missions, Training
As we approach a new year, many of us will set new goals for the coming year. According to statistics, less than 10% of people will keep their New Year’s resolution. Does this mean we should just scrap the idea and forget about setting goals? Certainly not! The key... by admin | Jun 24, 2017 | Coaching, Housing, Missionaries, Training, Transportation, Uncategorized
What is furlough? By Webster definition, it is a leave of absence. By biblical definition, It was originally intended for rest. In Mark 6:31, Jesus exhorted the 12 disciples to come to a deserted place and rest. Unlike the common misconception, this time is not...