What is missions?
By definition missions is the calling to go out into the world and share your faith.
Who is a missionary?
A person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country.
I was talking with a friend of mine that is a missionary. She reminded me that missionaries are people that are doing what they are asked to do. They are no different than the mailman, nurse, engineer, or teacher. They are just doing their job. This is such a great reminder. We are all uniquely designed and gifted. We are all called to a task but not the same task. This is a relief to some and a burden to others. Sometimes we want the task of another’s calling. It is a gift to know that your calling is not necessarily your neighbor’s calling. However, we can all walk alongside one another and support each other to be the best at whatever God designed you to be and do!
At this point (which could change at any time), I don’t feel called to move to a foreign country and be a missionary. However, I DO feel called to do the job that God has given ME and to share his love and grace with the people He has placed in my life here and now!
I am a mom. My job, my mission is to love the “not so little any more” disciples living under my roof, better known as my children. Some days I do this job well. Some days, well there are those days that we survived and we will move onto the next day and hopefully do better. Some days, I embrace this mission. I press in and I am intentional with my time and energies. I invest in my kids, their school, their hobbies and their friend groups. Other days, I get distracted and need to pull myself back together and back to my task at hand. There are days I feel fulfilled as a mom and others that I feel that I need something else to “fill my bucket”. At the end of the day, I look into my children’s eyes and know without doubt that this is the job God has called me to do. (Submitted by a mom of 2, age 44)
I am a student. My job is to listen and learn. Some days learning is exciting and fun while other times it is difficult. Some days I feel like I know a lot and some days I feel like I know nothing at all. Some days I can sit quietly and focus. However, there are also days that my mind wanders and I do not hear a word. Being a student is fun but also challenging. Knowing that God designed me for this purpose helps me to know He is with me. (submitted by a 5th grade student, age 10)
I am a teacher. My job is to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the classroom so my students may come to know Him. I do feel that being a teacher is a calling and not a profession you get into for the money. The demands are high and the hours are long. However, the feeling you get when you see the light come on for a child as they learn something new is incredible. Kids come from all kinds of home situations. I pray for each student placed into my class, that I may see them the way Jesus does. My mission is to love them where they are and encourage them to reach their full potential. (submitted by a teacher, age 53)
I am a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. I am an advocate for children’s healthcare. My job involves meeting people right where they’re at, being attentive to needs, and recognizing that in certain situations it is better to be silent but always fully present. It is undoubtedly the toughest job I’ve ever loved, but I honestly feel so privileged to partner with patients and families, even when we have to have the tougher conversations and face those moments no parent should ever have to face. I pray for my patients and their loved ones every morning before I begin my rounds. I pray that they would see His hand and feel His presence in the treatment plans the team and I craft and that those plans would always be the safest and most effective ones. It is truly my honor to partner and foster relationships and plans of care with these amazing kiddos and their families. Even on the toughest days, “it is well with my soul”, as I know I’m right where I’m supposed to be. (submitted by a NP, age 42)
We are all called to a task but not the same task
Whatever your calling is, seek to share the love of Christ.
Be bold to fulfill His mission wherever you are called.