One of our missionary friends was able to use the Missional Living 15 passenger van this summer while they were visiting on furlough. The following was an update we received from their time here in the U.S.
Long flights, transitioning from ten different states across the U.S., living out of suitcases, sharing the work with various partners, saying a lot of “see you later” and “we love you,” figuring out how to keep up with logistics and writing for book contracts, and many of you might think…whew! I don’t know how they do it.
Yes, it is crazy and stressful at times, but it is energizing to talk about God’s faithfulness, and the fellowship with so many has been so sweet.
It’s part of the insane adventure of obedience.
When you submit to him each day, he walks with you on a path that will be, at times, really hard, and yet at the same time, so satisfying. Remember he doesn’t ask you to walk our path, or us yours – that’s a relief! But he gives us grace for each day to walk into the good works he has prepared in advance for each of us.
Thank you for your prayers.