As the days passed after Jesus’ crucifixion, Thomas was filled with sorrow. He received the news that the tomb was empty and Jesus was alive. What was his first response?
It was doubt. 
Unless I see the nail marks in His hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.
 – John 20:25
I hate to admit it but, I can relate to Thomas.
I let doubt creep in.
I believe that Jesus is alive. I believe God is good all the time. I believe He is sovereign over each and every thing.
He has done amazing things through the ministry of Missional Living. He has grown our missionary service requests exponentially.
We are excited to have the opportunity to impact so many missionary families.
But I also have fear and doubt….
What if we don’t have enough funding?
What if we don’t have enough host homes?
What if we run out of care package supplies?
Just as Thomas needed to see to believe. I find myself also in this place of doubt.
Please join me in praying…
Even when I am overwhelmed with fear and doubt, You hear our prayers, know, and understand them completely. You provide for every need! I am thankful that just as you came to Thomas and gave him exactly what he needed, you also understand what we need to effectively serve and to trust you to provide for every need. 
Would you be willing to give $1,000 to sponsor a housing stay or stock our care package supplies?
Thank you for joining us in praying and allowing us to be vulnerable with our needs.