When you hear the word technology, you get a mix of emotions and responses. When I recently posed the question of what is the first word that comes to mind when you hear the word technology, I got both negative and positive feedback but the negative far outweighed the positive. Technology has brought a different level of busy into our lives. It can be scary, confusing, and overwhelming. It is hard to keep up with and ever changing. It has encroached into our kids lives and at times can cause quite the headache.
I got a newsletter update from a missionary friend of mine and she shares her recent experience with technology:
Last night we had our first of four Christmas parties at the Refugee center! The program for each party includes Christmas carols in their native language, the nativity story performed by believers, a message about the divinity of Christ, a delicious meal, and gifts for all the attending families!
During the nativity drama I noticed a woman near me was on Skype. I went over to her and asked her to turn her phone off to be more respectful to those performing. She told me she could not turn it off! I then insisted to which she replied, “I can’t, this is my sister in Afghanistan and I want her to see the play too. I want her to hear the story of Christ!”. Her response was unexpected. I was touched that it meant so much to her that she wanted to share the story and couldn’t wait to do so! I said she could continue Skyping but had to be quiet. She said, “Ok, I just have to say one more thing.” She turned her attention to her sister and said, “Isn’t it beautiful?!” They continued to watch the play in silence! I have been praying that the content of our parties would touch all the invited guests, but I never thought to pray for their family members back home!
This story is just one of many ways that technology is just like any other tool, it’s value is in how we use it. Technology connects us with those that cannot be present with us.
Technology gives us an opportunity to have a sense of community without demanding proximity. It has been a huge asset for us to stay in touch with our missionary friends that are across the globe, allowing us to provide ongoing coaching and encouragement.
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