In early 2017, we received a request from a missionary family to use Missional Living’s first van. The organization was still VERY new, so we were surprised this family even knew about our organization!  After inquiring further, we found that this family came to ML after finding that Righteous Rides was fully booked with no vehicles available!  At that time ML owned ONE van.

Naturally, we contacted Righteous Rides to see if we could study their model of ministry.  Of course, they welcomed us with open arms, showing us the way they have served missionaries for over 10 years!  It was so affirming, inspiring and encouraging.

Fast forward several months,  Missional Living was ready to launch our vision with the community in hopes to grow and to partner with like minded friends with a passion to see His kingdom grow!

God is so good….Guess who came to our first founding event in October of 2017?

The founders of Righteous Rides. They came and supported our new ministry.  Such a God thing!

As He would have it, a fast friendship began, prayers were answered in big ways AND a partnership was formed between Missional Living and Righteous Rides!

Our official partnership date was October 1 2017.

We were all concerned that Knoxville would not be a highly requested hub since McGhee Tyson is such a small airport.  However, we felt that God was at work and requested to leave Knoxville as the hub with the willingness to drive to Atlanta as needed.  One week into our partnership, the first van was booked and the requesting missionary family was given the choice to pick up in Knoxville which ended up being more convenient!

God affirmed that KNOXVILLE was exactly where we needed to be offering this service and confirmed our hub for Righteous Rides right where we are!