I was ready this year, sooner than usual, to take the Christmas décor down.  Maybe it was because I had live garland and the pine droppings were driving me crazy. Maybe it was because I was just ready to have the house back in order.  Maybe it was a combination of things.  However, I don’t think I have ever put away the Christmas decorations on the evening of Christmas!

It felt strange. 

Then the days to follow, every space in the house that was once occupied by a tree or other decoration now looked empty.

The corner looks EMPTY.  The mantle that looked perfectly fine before the holidays, now looks like it is missing “something”.  As I walk around my home, it looks like a void that needs to be filled.

I start to look in my closet for things to pull out.  I even started looking online for a cute bench to put in the corner.

Wait a second…

The whole point of putting up the Christmas décor was to de-clutter the house….right?

So often, I believe this is what my life looks like! When there is an empty space in my life, I quickly try to fill it with “something”. I try to fill the void instead of waiting on God’s perfect timing.

May I trust in His timing and provision

To give and take away

To fill the empty corners of my life

With His goodness and grace

Ecclesiastes 3:11

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.”