Recently I read an article condensed from a message by Wil Pounds in 2006. I was encouraged by his words: God loves to surprise us. Has He surprised you lately? Do you give Him “elbow-room”? Do you look for Him? Do you expect Him to break in upon you any moment?
I have to confess I’m often amazed and overjoyed at God’s surprises. It’s one way He reminds me to occasionally lay aside my penchant for planning each day down to the details with lists, goals, objective and strategic planning. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing inherently wrong with planning – but it can lead me to think Christ should come to me in specific ways and fit into my planning and expectations.
I’m learning to set aside my inflexible ideas of how God should reveal Himself to me. I want to anticipate Him at any moment and when I least expect it! And He did just that last week and in the most ‘surprising’ way. While spending time with my family at Dollywood theme park, I received a phone call from a missionary recently returned to the US after serving in SE Asia. He and his family were looking for transitional housing by August 1st. “Lord, didn’t you know the house isn’t quite ready and I wasn’t planning on letting anyone know the house was available until the end of August!? And how did he even hear about us?”
Sometimes God brings clarity to His surprises when we take time to glance in the review mirror of our lives. Looking back, I’m thankful how God provided the first home for our fellow ministry servants, supplying everything in His own amazing ways. Hollander House will be ready, providing a special missionary family a place they call their own. A place to rest. A place for them to receive the joy of His surprises.
Here are final words from Wil Pounds: Be ready at all times for the Lord’s surprise visits.
“Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. Even so, Amen” (Revelation 1:7).
Marty Thompson