In the beginning of November, one of our host homes for missionary families sustained significant damage. The damage occurred two days prior to a planned housing stay at this home.
If there is one thing I know well, it is that God’s plans will not be thwarted. (Job 42:2).
God orchestrated a swirl of activity and repairs that happened throughout the day after the storm damage. Within 30 minutes of making a phone call, a large crew (8-10 men) from Outdoor Designs Professional Svcs & Nursery, LLC showed up and made quick work of the multiple fallen trees. Where one of the trees struck through our roof, our neighboring house under construction sent their roofing crew and reframed our roof within just a few hours! Thank you Andy Blackburn! An incredible amount of work was accomplished in a 24 hour period of time making it possible for us to host a missionary family just one day later!
What seemed destructive and overwhelming, God used it to once again show His goodness, grace, and faithfulness.
#GODSPLANS #intendedforgood #calmafterthestrom #weatherthestorm#stronger #communitysupport #ittakesavillage #THANKYOU#prayersupport #willnotbethwarted #perseverance #missionarycare#housing #aplacetocallhome #homeawayfromhome#FaithfulnessoftheLord #rebuilding #welcome #readytohost #hospitality#joinourteam #opendoors #servingtheservants